This call is for Visual Artists living and/or working in
Newfoundland & Labrador, Ktaqmkuk (NL)
interested in traveling to the northwest of Ireland (IRE) for an Artist Residency
Annually Artlink (Donegal, IRE) partners with an organization in NL to participate in a residency exchange; an artist or art collaborative from NL are hosted by Artlink, and an artist or art collaborative from IRE are hosted in NL for a period of 4-6 weeks.
Residency Call Application and Guidelines
Location: Artlink, Fort Dunree, Donegal, Ireland
Duration: 4 weeks
Dates: June to September 2025
Artlink and CRUX are inviting a NL based Visual Artists to take part in a paid international artist residency this Summer 2025 at Fort Dunree, Donegal, Ireland. We are seeking professional visual artists working in any discipline.
About Artlink
Artlink is a thriving artist-led visual arts organization, formed in 1992, based at Fort Dunree, Inishowen, County Donegal. It exists to support the ambitions of local, national and international artists at all stages of their professional career. Artlink makes a valuable contribution towards the creative development and well-being of the local community and helps build a strong sustainable culture and economy in the region. This is achieved through a programme of regional, national and international exchanges and residencies, solo exhibitions by local artists, practical creative workshops and participatory community events. In an area packed with ancient history and breathtaking scenery, Artlink connects and inspires people to produce creative projects uniquely rooted in ‘place’ and inspired by this rural, coastal context.
Throughout Artlink’s programme in 2025 our aim is to make art in the area more visible and accessible, to enhance the cultural experience of local people and visitors, and to complement the exceptional natural features and rich resources of the site.
Artists will be paid a residency fee of $7,500 for undertaking the residency. The residency fee covers all flights, transport, materials, living expenses, accommodations and artist’s fee. The selected artist is responsible for arranging their own travel arrangements and managing their budget as appropriate. Artists' accommodation should be in County Donegal. The artist should be prepared to use public transit or find alternative transportation to and from Fort Dunree site. Letter of support can be provided for artists to secure additional funding independently.
Resources provided
Artlink will offer time, space and professional support for work, reflection, research and experimentation.
Facilities available
-24-hour secure access to studio space aka “The Potting Shed” community garden and studio -Links to the local community - Broadband Internet (intermittent) - Alternative photographic processing kit (hinged back printing-out frames 1 x20”x16”, 4 x 12”x16”, UV light, flat hake brushes, weighing scales, thermometers, glass cylinders, developing trays up to 20 x 16, print washer) - Digital Imaging Suite - Colour Printer - Technical assistance - Digital projector - Glass kiln - Ceramic kiln
Expectations of resident artist
Resident artists are expected to actively create within the studio space for at least 20 hours a week and be willing to hold open studio hours with the public for a minimum of one day a week. During the residency artists are expected to develop new work or new ideas and engage with local artists and Artlink members. Public engagement could be through presenting artist talks, workshops, demonstrations or other events.
Application and Selection
The artist residencies are open to professional Visual Artists working in any discipline including but not limited to: sculpture, photography, painting, installation, and video. This opportunity is best suited to an artist that will have previous travel and residency experience, be confident working in a rural location with limited facilities, can work independently and be excited to make connections within the local community. We are specifically looking to work with artists who are enthusiastic about working with our specific and unique environmental elements, including but not limited to the landscape, community, heritage or culture. Collaborations are welcome, please provide statements for each individual within the collaboration.
To apply
● Complete the application form (below) and save as a single .pdf file
● send to artcruxnl@gmail.com before 12 midnight on Friday 21st February 2025. Subject line Atlantic Exchange Residency 2025.
**All submissions must be sent as one file in pdf format (NO zip files or additional attachments, links to google docs etc), and must not exceed 15 MB. Please do not send additional documents.
Selection will be made by Artlink Creative Team (Ireland) and Crux (NL)
We hope to announce the selected artists by beginning of March.
Criteria for Assessment of Applications:
Artists that are able to convey in their proposal the following criteria will be prioritized:
● artist is living and working in Newfoundland & Labrador
● evidence of a commitment to an art practice with a developed and professional approach to their work
● the ambition and experimentation inherent in the application and proposal
● proposal authentically centres the site and surrounding areas
● clear benefits to the artist(s) practice
● engagement with and benefits to local arts community
This project is supported by the Arts Council Ireland Visual Arts, Arts Grant Award, Donegal County Council, and Celebrate NL. The AIR is made possible through partnerships with Artlink (IRE), Crux (NL) and O’Brien Farm (NL).
International Atlantic Artist Exchange to Ireland
Application Form 2025
Important Information
Please complete all sections below
1. Name:
2. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy):
3. Email address:
4. Telephone number:
5. Postal Address:
6. Nationality:
7. Where do you currently reside?
8. Please provide a summary biography (max 150 words) of your artistic and professional work, this is separate to your CV supplied additionally with the application
9. Please provide a short artist statement on your practice (max 100 words)
10. Please explain what you hope to gain from the residency, any themes you might want to pursue, and how this opportunity will contribute to your practice (max 300
11. How, or from where, did you hear about this opportunity?
12. Have you carefully read all the information in this application form, including eligibility, exclusions and selection?
13. Insert CV here (max 2 pages)
14. Insert images with descriptions here or links to video files no more than 10 mins duration. 10 images (with descriptions) and/or video links
Save this as a pdf with the file name using your full name and which residency you are applying for e.g. YourName_ Atlantic ExchangeResidency_2025.pdf
Email this as a single .pdf file, no larger that 15MB to artcrux@gmail.com before 12 midnight on Friday 21st February 2025
Please sign and date (print name)
(By printing your name this confirms that all the information you have given is correct and that you have read the application guidelines.)